Friday, November 10, 2006

whilst our hamsters process your request

I'm probably not the best blogger in the world.  I certainly haven't been blogging so long as many of you.  My page isn't the most creative, and I don't even care about moblogging!  But dadgummit, I've become a blogger.

At first it was a request: Come look.  Then there was an invite: Be my friend.  Then I started experimenting.  It's a place to dream, a place to care, a place to find people I never knew existed that care whether I have a brother named incognito or not.  People I didn't know started leaving little comments.  I laughed, I interacted, I fumed, I cared.  Wow!  Now I understood the virtual world.  I considered my science def from college. "Virtual: not real."  We'll just send that to the recycle bin and beyond.

Next, I discovered that I had albums, or at least I could make albums.  I could share pictures that revealed another dimention of my "real" world to my virtual friends.  I photographed some things just for my new friends.  I sorted and posted old things and created albums to say, "Here.  This is me.  This is what I know, and what I do, and where I walked today."  I have albums planned, albums prepared and albums I've only begun to imagine.  But alas, the hamsters have been poisoned.

Not only that, but I find that not all the hamsters are sick.  Some people still have healthy hamsters and they continue to roll out those photo albums.  But my hamsters are poisoned.  I can't tell you how that frustrates me.  (See virtual photo above.)  It may be true that I neither knew or cared that I had albums available a year ago, but all that changed when I became a blogger.

I went to 360 with my inner panic, but like all governing agencies, they are ignoring the complaints while they try to figure out what the blazes has happened to the hamsters.  I'm sure they've appointed a committee to try to see who poisoned which hamsters and why that person would do such a thing and what kind of rehabilitation they will need to live a virtually productive life in the future, cohabitating peacefully with hamsters.  They probably haven't touched on the veterinary bills yet or the psychological dammage done to the bloggers.

Growl, snort, sigh.  I just want my friends to see my photo albums.  Somebody let me know when the hamsters come back to work.  Oh my.  They might not have been poisoned; they might be on strike.  Now why would 360 cover something like that up?!

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